Randy Alcorn Fiction Coming In April
Prayer works. Randy Alcorn in bringing back Ollie Chandler, "a brilliant and quick-witted homicide detective with exceptional deductive skills and street smarts. He's a police department legend for his off-beat methods that solve crimes and coax confessions." This according to the description found on Eternal Perspective Ministries web site. This is the same detective who starred in "Dominion" and "Deadline." It was "Deadline" that turned me into a fan, and "Dominion" confirmed Randy's amazing versatility. I'm going to try and get an advance copy and review asap.
You can go here, and place a pre order (no profit for this blogger.) due out in April.
I'm glad to see you doing the fan page because I have a question about Randy Alcorn, an author with whom I'm not familiar.
I'm giving a presentation next week where I'll be using 2 Christian books as examples of what to look for. I'd just checked out "In light of eternity" by Alcorn, and frankly was quite disappointed. He didn't meet any of my criteria (familiar publisher, clear exposition of the Gospel undergirding the work, not so anecdotal that I couldn't follow the main points). I actually had to Google his name to find out who he is and what he believes. If I could snip and paste, I think I could put together a comprehensible, but rambling, paragraph about the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and why it matters, but I'd probably fall asleep before I got the job done.
Obviously, if you're writing a fan page, you must see it differently. What am I missing, and why should I recommend this author based on the book in hand?
I haven't read "In Light of Eternity," and wonder if the title isn't "The Edge of Eternity."
Randy is about as clear cut a conservative evangelical as it gets. His book "Heaven" is an immediate classic.
The Edge of Eternity is actually an allegory, so you won't get a clear statement of the gospel. It is similar to Pilgrim's Progress in that regard.
You might want to visit his own website at epm.org.
I didn't want to use an outside source since my suggestions to the group will be on how to evaluate a book in hand based on what we believe and know to be true.
I suspect the problem in "In Light of Eternity" is that he makes references to characters in his fiction piece "Edge of Eternity." If you haven't read it (and I haven't), the references make no sense at all. For many people, words have power--they create images. I went back for a 2nd dip and read the introduction. On p. 2 and 3, I counted 6 references to Satan, 3 to the devil, 1 each to demonic deception, our enemy, demons and hell. I certainly believe in the existence of such beings, but as a Christian think the author needs to do some loin girding with a clear exposition of the gospel in a sentence or two before he moves into demonic realms.
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